List of auditions
The people of StarBust Enterprises, best known for making big stars like E-dells, Se.Vin.Li, Woody Lim, Gimmy, and Jung-Been G, are seeking for people who will lead the entertainment industry in the future. If you are interested in becoming a star, please send us an application upon the following instructions. When you send us an application packet, please enclose the following materials to fulfill your requirements.
SB Auditions
- Walk-in is available every Saturday at 3PM - 7.30PM
- Via Telephone ☎️
- Via Mail
- Via friend recommendation
- Please send us the name, education history, employer and contact information of a talented friend you choose to nominate.
If you or your nominee friend signs an exclusive contract with SB, we will award you with a $1000 scholarship.
- Send to: 1) ..
Please follow the instructions. All requests will be transferred to the call center
This is by far the best method.